Thursday, July 1, 2021

Visions (14)

Two weeks ago, near the start of this  trail of crumbs, I wrote that we have no vision for the future and cannot even imagine someone having a convincing vision. This may not be the cause of our feeling of powerlessness but it is at least an essential component of that feeling. I say this not because I think visions ought to guide action in any direct way, but for the simple reason that one who cannot envision a future obviously is without hope.


A vision is not a plan, and it need not even be the basis for a plan. It is a way of formulating desires and questions, of putting our longings in clearer and more concrete terms.


If a vision is to be worth anything it must be convincing: though it is a fantasy, and perhaps very far from becoming a reality, it must be a plausible fantasy; it must have verisimilitude. This is a tall order.

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